Coaching Conversations in 2024

Coaching Conversations Do Not Need to be Difficult With A Little Planning & Preparation

Tim Hagen

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Conversations are hard. The cool thing about what's happening in the training and development and talent world is that leaders and organizations are finally realizing coaching is not just something we'd like to do if we had time. It is now moved into an arena of, We Must Coach Our Employees. This requires leaders to have conversational ability, the ability to ask questions, to truly listen, to actively listen, and to cooperate in a process where somebody feels like somebody is invested in them. Now, this sounds easy on the surface yet it requires practice. Think about sales people, a longstanding profession for decades. Sales people have been taught how to ask open-ended questions. Yet, if you ask a customer, what's the one thing they dislike about sales people? They typically say they talk too much. Think about that decades of training and a whole industry, still battles what leaders now have to gravitate from. Coaching is asking questions of what people can or cannot do. Ultimately. leaders facilitate participating in scheduled sessions where skill and behavioral improvement is sought. This is not easy as conversations need to be open ended with active listening and not thinking about what we want to say while somebody is talking. This is much more difficult than people think. It's okay not to be a great conversationalist. It's not okay to not practice and work on this craft.

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Checkout our Approachability & Coachability series where we use a webinar-based coaching approach to develop all employees to become approachable and coachable. This leads to better teamwork for leadership and organizational culture improvement

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