Coaching Conversations in 2025

Coaching Employees to Become Influential Leaders

Tim Hagen

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One of the most valuable things we can do as leaders is to position people within our own teams to be what I call influential or internal leaders. Now, just for our own definition, internal leaders or influential leaders are those people who don't have the title yet can help you lead the team. Now, let me give you a really fundamental example. Years ago, I was working with a number of branch managers at one of our client sites at a credit union. And one of the managers said, geez, I've got 10 people. I really don't have time to coach all of them. I am scheduling time with them, but I know that I'm really fractured in terms of my time. And I said, well, do you have some people on your team that you really trust that are well respected by others that could really invest in your team as well?


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And she said, yeah, I've got two people. They're senior. They're great. They're upbeat. They don't really wanna move up in the organization. They don't want people management responsibility and I said, well, what about using them as influential coaches? She said, what do you mean? I said, well, influential coaching sometimes is more accepted than from somebody's boss because it's from a peer. It's someone who's in the trenches. It's somebody who's trusted. She said, yeah, I, I think that's great. And I said, okay, well, let's come up with a couple ideas. I said, what do you want your people to do? More of? She said, we have to ask more questions. We have to upsell and cross sell. It is a core function of what we do, cuz the more we upsell and cross sell, the more we, you know, bring business into not only the credit union, but the more we're allowed to service our, uh, customers.


And I said, okay and what is the resistance? And she said, rejection people don't like to do it. I me

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Are you interested in the latest coaching strategy from Tim Hagen? Check out the new Journal-Based Coaching Guide series, where you can improve critical workplace skills by listening to audio lessons via weekly QR codes from Tim Hagen, and journal what you've learned from the lessons. Current topics include emotional intelligence, motivation, accelerating teamwork, mastering self-regulation, and more crucial workplace topics.

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