Coaching Conversations in 2024

How to Have Coaching "Career Conversations" To Retain Talent from Leaving

Tim Hagen

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 Career conversations are now a must more than any other time in our history. When we think about McKinsey's latest research showing 41% of people are actually leaving due to a lack of career development and advancement. Coaching career conversations is about coaching and developing talent for the present and future. We need to find out what people want to do, what motivates them, what they like, what they potentially dislike. We need to have these conversations proactively not reactively.

We all know that we're busy and we have many things to do, yet often what comes at the expense of this is our conversations with our people. Think about a company with a 100 managers, all having proactive conversations, asking their employees what they like and dislike and helping them with their career development. Let's just assume they don't have great conversations, but they have the conversations nonetheless. This would still lead to greater talent development and retention versus doing nothing. Having coaching career conversations is about asking people what motivates them, finding their motivation, and helping them get to an ideal destination of their liking, not just simply what the boss or the organization wants or expects. 

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Speaker 1:

Career conversations have never been needed more than right now in the workplace. Recently, McKinsey and Company did a study and showed that 41% of their participants in their study said they were quitting their previous job or quit their previous job due to a lack of career development and advancement. Now, let me add some context to that. You know, my friend Julie Winkle, Giuliani has a great book. Promotions are so yesterday, and she identified eight things that people want in terms of their careers, and it's not always the promotion yet. That's where our minds go, right? So when you think about a lack of career development, let me go back to the foundation of what we do here at Progress Coaching. We teach coaching, What do we hear from leaders? We don't have time. We're really busy. So if we're not taking time to coach, we're probably not taking time to develop careers. Now, let me give you some context. Have to have conversations, and we tend to make one fundamental mistake around careers we tend to try to motivate as it relates to the career. And where we get in trouble is we assume that we understand what motivates someone. So if I'm saying to somebody, you know, if you keep doing X, Y, Z, you can get promoted and become a team leader or supervisor. Yet what if this person is not motivated to become a people manager? It's like two ships passing in the dark. The person will probably nod and say, thank you, and agree and say, Oh, that's great, thanks. You know, I'll consider it. Even though they might be thinking, You know what? I gotta get outta here. I don't wanna become a people manager. They might be forcing me. Now, even though the intent is good by a leader, it doesn't have a true understanding of what motivates someone. So the number one rule, especially when it comes to career development and advancement, is find out what motivates someone. Number two, once you find out what motivates someone, you can start a career development and advancement conversation. Now, it may not be a promotion, it might be a lateral move, it might be something that's intrinsic, doing something more in their current job. So how do we do that? We ask people once we find out what their motivation is, have what we call a current state conversation. So currently, John, what do you think you do extremely well and where do you feel like you have opportunities to grow? Put that down on a sheet of paper, if not on a whiteboard. Number two, then ask, what's your ideal state? You said you wanna do more things with data and analytics. What does that look like? Where would you be doing that? Would you be working with internal external customers? And you ask a series of questions around their ideal destination in direct reference to what motivates them. Then you

Speaker 2:

Go and ask the question. Now, in a whiteboard, it would be the middle column. You ask, What do we need to do together? What do we need to do together? What are the actions we need to take to move in the direction from where you are currently to your ideal state? Now what they've done is they've become a participant, a co-author, in their pursuit of where they want to end up. Now if I just sit down with somebody and say, John, you know, here's what we're gonna do. You could work more in analytics. And even though it might motivate him, if he doesn't feel like he's an architect of his own pursuit of improvement career-wise, he may not be as likely to join in or to collaborate or cooperate. So the key is, number one, find out what motivates. Number two, ask questions about strength and opportunity currently, where they sit today, which is their current state. Then ask ideally, where would you like to end up? What would you be doing? What would you love to be doing that maybe you're not doing enough of now? What would you like to be doing that maybe you're not doing it at all, and maybe what are some things you'd like to get rid of right now that would position you to do more things that you like? Once you have those answers and you know what motivates, then the question becomes, what actions do you think we should take together to move in that direction? That's a game changer that my friends will lower that 41%, dare I say, boldly with leaders that practice and are willing to practice and willing to have those conversations and willing not to steer people where they think they should go. You will bring that number under 10% below. This is a link to a course that we built called How to Have Career Coaching Conversations. If you're interested, fill it out and we'll send you some information. Thanks for your time.