Coaching Conversations in 2025
Coaching Conversations with Tim Hagen, where we teach leaders and managers how to coach their employees. This is the ideal podcast for leaders, managers, and aspiring leaders to improve their coaching and leadership skills to create a more positive coaching culture within their teams.
In 2025, we're doing weekly podcasts on various coaching topics and strategies that will rotate throughout the month, as opposed to 2024 where the weekly episodes featured a monthly theme. Coaching Conversations will continue to have four episodes per month and we're going to sprinkle in masterclasses, which will be lengthier, workshop-style formats.
Coaching Conversations in 2025
Unlock Your Professional Growth: Mastering the OAT Principle
Welcome to Coaching Conversations
We have created a NEW and Innovative line of books called Workplace Coaching Books. These books use QR codes with embedded audio and video lessons speaking directly to the reader. Each book comes with assessments and journal based coaching pages where they document what they've learned and what they've applied. In addition each book comes with the self analysis link that prompts them to share what they've learned and what they've put into action leading to greater learner application a
Check out our Approachability & Coachability series, a webinar-based coaching approach that encourages all leaders and their employees to become approachable and coachable through specific, actionable techniques and strategies. This leads to better teamwork for leadership and creates a positive coaching culture within an organization.
Get more info here: https://form.jotform.com/233023396805051
Are you interested in the latest coaching strategy from Tim Hagen? Check out the new Journal-Based Coaching Guide series, where you can improve critical workplace skills by listening to audio lessons via weekly QR codes from Tim Hagen, and journal what you've learned from the lessons. Current topics include emotional intelligence, motivation, accelerating teamwork, mastering self-regulation, and more crucial workplace topics.
Check out how the new Journal-Based Coaching Guide series works and start your leadership development journaling journey today at https://www.WorkplaceCoachingBooks.com.
When cultivating self-awareness, one of the things you can use is leverage what we call the OAT principle Observe, act and tell. Let me give you an example. We were working with a credit union recently and the people on the front lines weren't performing, they weren't executing referrals, they weren't engaging, they weren't executing referrals, they weren't, you know, engaging with members. And it is tough because you're out in the open and you're talking about people's second valuable asset, besides their children, is their money. And it can be very uncomfortable and I'm going to use a demographic younger people. They're just not as skilled and you're talking to people who are maybe twice your age about their money, not comfortable. So what we did is we implemented an OAT principle. When you are having downtime at your teller station, observe your teammates, act upon what you're observing in terms of what are they doing well, observing in terms of what are they doing well and then tell of the results in terms of what you implemented based on your observation. So when you observe, it fuels the brain. When you act, you're taking what you learn from the observation and then you're going to tell of the success and notice. I'm framing this out Tell us not what happened, tell us of the success, tell us of your success, and that's called the OAT principle. See, one of the things that we do when we have downtime or when we're not as busy, we tend to take breaks mental breaks. I'll give you another example.
Speaker 1:I had somebody who really wanted to move into management and one of the key components was leading meetings at this particular company. They were very data-driven. You had to do a lot of stand-up presentations. I knew the person I was coaching was blindly excited about going for the position. What I mean by that is she had never really done stand-up presentations and I asked her she goes, oh yeah, I'll do it pretty good, I'll do it pretty well. I said when was the last time you did one? Well, I haven't, but I'm confident I can do it. And that's blind confidence. I like the confidence but it's blind. So what I had her do for four to eight weeks, I think it was, is just observe presenters. And then I had her ask herself so I changed the A of OAT ask herself what she could do and demonstrate on the spot, and then ask herself what she needed to improve. And she had to journal that and then she was going to tell me of her commitment to improve. So again, you can use the OAT principle and adapt it differently.
Speaker 1:After about four presentations she started to say I've never really done it from a PowerPoint, I've never done a stand-up presentation, I need to practice. She referenced a couple of speakers, how confident they were, how they knew the numbers and never referenced the slides again, and she said I found that intimidating. I said what do you think happened to your confidence? She said it's a little shaken. I said well, that's good.
Speaker 1:She said what do you mean? I said you know, do you feel like you were confident, not knowing, which is different than being confident and actually knowing? She said well, yeah. And I said don't you think you're moving towards confidence now knowing? And she said yeah. So I turned it into a positive. Yet I knew if I told her you're not ready, you've got to do these standup presentations. Are you really ready? Ready, you've got to do these stand-up presentations? Are you really ready? Where would she have gone with those questions? So when you observe, it teaches you. When you ask or act, it facilitates an experience and when you tell, you're basically owning the learning process. It's called the OAT principle.