Coaching Conversations in 2025

Tim's Guide to Mastering Coaching Skills

Tim Hagen

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We have created a NEW and Innovative line of books called Workplace Coaching Books. These books use QR codes with embedded audio and video lessons speaking directly to the reader. Each book comes with assessments and journal based coaching pages where they document what they've learned and what they've applied. In addition each book comes with the self analysis link that prompts them to share what they've learned and what they've put into action leading to greater learner application a

Check out our Approachability & Coachability series, a webinar-based coaching approach that encourages all leaders and their employees to become approachable and coachable through specific, actionable techniques and strategies. This leads to better teamwork for leadership and creates a positive coaching culture within an organization.

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Are you interested in the latest coaching strategy from Tim Hagen? Check out the new Journal-Based Coaching Guide series, where you can improve critical workplace skills by listening to audio lessons via weekly QR codes from Tim Hagen, and journal what you've learned from the lessons. Current topics include emotional intelligence, motivation, accelerating teamwork, mastering self-regulation, and more crucial workplace topics.

Check out how the new Journal-Based Coaching Guide series works and start your leadership development journaling journey today at

Speaker 1:

For years we've talked in the workplace about leaders coaching, and one of the most fundamental questions we get is how do you get leaders to coach? You know they say they don't have time. The real reason people don't coach is they don't know what to say or do. So when you think about a speech or learning a foreign language, what do you have to do? You have to learn it, you have to practice it, you have to apply it. It's pretty simple and recently we started to create a tool that actually measures coaching conversation skills and we're actually calling it Coaching PAL. Pal stands for Practice, application and Learning Practice. It apply it and what did you learn? It's as simple as that.

Speaker 1:

And when we think about practice, you know often we've had people say well, tim, we're doing the same thing over and over again. We've got to do something different. I'm like look, if you want to get better at shooting free throws in basketball and it takes you 500 shots and it can get boring after 100 shots and you want to switch to hook shots, would you be better at shooting free throws? If you want to give a keynote speech and you know it's going to be an hour long, but you know what you just want to focus on short stories which are only 10 minutes. Would you be better at giving keynote speeches? See, improvement requires a couple things. Improvement requires a couple things Repetitive practice, application to the real world and reflection to develop learning. That's why we call it PAL. When we think about practice and I love Angela Duckworth's book Grit she talks about practice and I just love her book Because the fact of the matter is, if you don't practice something, you don't get better at it. Now I'm going to make a comment that typically at first will rub some people the wrong way, especially in the training industry. Training solely is not the answer. The answer lies in the application. That's why the official name of our company a lot of people don't know this is Training Reinforcement Partners. It's building that bridge between the training and the learning to the real world where application needs to occur.

Speaker 1:

Let me give you the most fundamental example. You know I no longer take business like this, but when I get a call from a sales organization, oh, we're looking for a speaker. I asked one question in that conversation and it determines if I want to do the project. I said how often are your people practicing? Well, what does that have to do with the event. I said a lot.

Speaker 1:

If your people aren't practicing and you want me to come in and do a speech or do a program and have people role play and practice, they are going to hate me and they're going to hate you for bringing me. I don't want to be a part of it. If you don't have that in your culture or not willing to put it in your culture, I'm not interested. Now let me tell you why. You know I've dealt with a lot of different people and I would say 98 and a half percent of the time we typically deal with the nicest people in the world training, learning, coaching. I mean I always tell my wife we're in such a great industry, we're very lucky to have what we have. The fact of the matter is, when I dealt with sales organizations and I used to do sales training, I hated it. I absolutely hated it because people didn't want to role play in practice and I go. Well, then how do you get better? Well, I've been doing this a long time.

Speaker 1:

Tenure does not equal application. Tenure can give somebody a false sense of accomplishment. Industries change, people change, markets change, products change, customers buying drivers change, and if we don't change with that in practice to show up our best selves, we're never, ever going to create that success that we could. So when you think about the concept of practice got to practice Application, where do they need to apply it? And then let's talk about what we've learned from both. So when we look in the mirror and we say, are we continually improving, we can honestly answer it.