Coaching Conversations in 2025

Unlocking Career Fulfillment: Discover Your True Motivations and Success Path

Tim Hagen

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We have created a NEW and Innovative line of books called Workplace Coaching Books. These books use QR codes with embedded audio and video lessons speaking directly to the reader. Each book comes with assessments and journal based coaching pages where they document what they've learned and what they've applied. In addition each book comes with the self analysis link that prompts them to share what they've learned and what they've put into action leading to greater learner application a

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Are you interested in the latest coaching strategy from Tim Hagen? Check out the new Journal-Based Coaching Guide series, where you can improve critical workplace skills by listening to audio lessons via weekly QR codes from Tim Hagen, and journal what you've learned from the lessons. Current topics include emotional intelligence, motivation, accelerating teamwork, mastering self-regulation, and more crucial workplace topics.

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Speaker 1:

When I think about career coaching. You know, often when I talk to clients they'll have their own HR department or training department doing career-based coaching and it's really funny, Everybody looks at it very differently. We have some who will do exploration, find out people's motivators, use different tools. One of my favorite assessment tools is a company called FindMojocom. We're certified assessment practitioners through them and it identifies 23 things that motivate people, I think, in the way they want to work. It doesn't necessarily find out what they want to do, and it finds out the way people want to work. So, ironically, out of 23 attributes, my number 17 is money. And you would think, wait, he's an entrepreneur, he wants to make money. Number one and two, I think, were creativity and fun, and anybody who knows me knows that creativity and fun are two of my top things that I love to do. So it's interesting, so that's how I like to work. Then, when we find out what we want to do, that's really critical. That's really critical of how we want to work, but it's also critical to find out what we want to do. It's still amazing to me not a criticism, yet it's amazing to me how many people don't know what they want to do.

Speaker 1:

And I go back to a set of questions. When you think about what you're presently doing, what do you love, what do you like, what do you dislike and just create a list in those three categories. If you can't answer a lot of things in love, you're going to like it, but you might only like it for so long. Then you ask a second set of questions with the same type of questions what would you love to be doing? What would you like to be doing If you had your way? What would you like to avoid? Well, I just did this with somebody. And the person goes I don't want to work in a staunchy corporate environment, I like to be on my own, I like to be virtual. And the person clearly knew what they didn't want to do. And I said what does it look like that you'd be doing? They said I'd be on my own, but I don't know what that is. And I said well, you've got two thirds of it figured out. That's awesome.

Speaker 1:

So when we're thinking about goals, it can't just be doing your resume or climbing the corporate ladder, because people are motivated other than the promotion. And I think one of the best books out there by Julie Winkle Giuliani is her book called Promotions Are so Yesterday, and it's such a great book because people are motivated by different things. Most people think entrepreneurs earn it for money. That's not my motivator. Now that could be changing as my wife and I get near retirement or near that magical age. That could change and our motivations, due to situations and circumstances, change.

Speaker 1:

But we have to ask ourself what do we want to be doing and are we pursuing that? Do we have a roadmap to our passion? Now, number one find the passion. Number two do you have a roadmap to get there? And so, when you think about a career roadmap, I look at four things. I look at first do you know what that destination is, what it looks like, what you would be doing, and are you fully committed, 110% committed, to getting there? That's number one.

Speaker 1:

Number two can you break it down into milestones? And let's just think about it in a one-year increment four milestones to achieve four things, one per quarter, that's number two. Then the three other things are the tiers of learning, knowledge, skill and behavior. What knowledge is needing to achieve the milestone one, milestone two and so on? What skills are needed? Milestone one, milestone two, milestone three and so on. Where do you need to show confidence? Milestones one, milestone two, milestone three.

Speaker 1:

If we do that and we have an opportunity to create our own career roadmap, we then become more in tune with our own goals. We become our own architect of our own career. So often people get steered and I cannot tell you how many times leaders will say to somebody no, no, no, that's not the right job for you. What I see for you and the leader's intentions can be fantastic, Yet someone has to want to go in that direction If they're willing to go, or begrudgingly going because their boss had their best interests at heart. Sometimes we live other people's goals and that can be a huge, huge mistake. Right?