Coaching Conversations in 2025
Coaching Conversations with Tim Hagen, where we teach leaders and managers how to coach their employees. This is the ideal podcast for leaders, managers, and aspiring leaders to improve their coaching and leadership skills to create a more positive coaching culture within their teams.
In 2025, we're doing weekly podcasts on various coaching topics and strategies that will rotate throughout the month, as opposed to 2024 where the weekly episodes featured a monthly theme. Coaching Conversations will continue to have four episodes per month and we're going to sprinkle in masterclasses, which will be lengthier, workshop-style formats.
Coaching Conversations in 2025
Reflective Coaching: The Power of Pause
Welcome to Coaching Conversations
We have created a NEW and Innovative line of books called Workplace Coaching Books. These books use QR codes with embedded audio and video lessons speaking directly to the reader. Each book comes with assessments and journal based coaching pages where they document what they've learned and what they've applied. In addition each book comes with the self analysis link that prompts them to share what they've learned and what they've put into action leading to greater learner application a
Check out our Approachability & Coachability series, a webinar-based coaching approach that encourages all leaders and their employees to become approachable and coachable through specific, actionable techniques and strategies. This leads to better teamwork for leadership and creates a positive coaching culture within an organization.
Get more info here: https://form.jotform.com/233023396805051
Are you interested in the latest coaching strategy from Tim Hagen? Check out the new Journal-Based Coaching Guide series, where you can improve critical workplace skills by listening to audio lessons via weekly QR codes from Tim Hagen, and journal what you've learned from the lessons. Current topics include emotional intelligence, motivation, accelerating teamwork, mastering self-regulation, and more crucial workplace topics.
Check out how the new Journal-Based Coaching Guide series works and start your leadership development journaling journey today at https://www.WorkplaceCoachingBooks.com.
Reflective coaching is not what it sounds like, at least in terms of the way we're about to describe it. When you take the time to think, reflect, absorb, digest especially when you have situations where you're in the heat of the moment, such as getting feedback or you just heard of a major change, just heard of a major change when we reflect, when we think, when we really give careful consideration to how we're going to react, I think most people would agree we're going to be more rational, more logical and think through things more deeply. In Progress Coaching, we have launched our own approach to coaching that involves non-calendar-based coaching called cadence, and cadence is a combination of three main things Content. We use content videos, quotes, statements, documents, questions and that will prompt the person to think, absorb. We use it to fuel their mind and then they answer something called question sets. The question sets are essentially coaching questions we could ask in person or in a virtual setting. And then the third thing that is really interesting is we then see how they're thinking, we view their question sets and then what we do is we respond, and then we have what we call an asynchronous coaching conversation. Now why do we call it reflective coaching? It's really called cadence coaching. In this podcast I'm going to call it reflective coaching.
Speaker 1:Let me give you an example. Recently we had somebody go through a seven-day mini cadence coaching initiative on motivation and we put in all these really inspiring videos and one of them is by Denzel Washington and he has a great video that's called I think it's called Fall Down Seven Times, get Up Eight, and he talks about this and motivation and how work is hard and life is hard. And after seven days you know we had sent really a piece of content in their software that we use in cadence and they would get something every two days. So the program really went over 14 days. And then this person would ask answer question sets, really coaching questions like what did you take from the video? What did you learn about yourself? What are you committed to learning? What are you committed to doing? What are two things you're going to do starting tomorrow morning? And what we started to notice is that the answers became more robust. And then we would collaborate and we always collaborate by sending a video or an audio message, speaking directly to the client in terms of what they're achieving.
Speaker 1:And after 14 days I called this gentleman. I said how are you feeling? He said, honestly, was that impactful, somewhat impactful? Not impactful, he said impactful. He said I felt different after every video and I said how did you feel after the questions? He said, well, I took your suggestion. I did not respond right away, I digested. And then you told me to digest when you give me coaching, more coaching questions, or maybe feedback via video or audio, and I found myself really thinking more deeply myself really thinking more deeply.
Speaker 1:So one of the best things that we can do is to give people content, provocative thought quotes, to give them different ways to think, look at things, to gain perspective and ultimately, what happened? Was it allowed at least this person and certainly many of our clients to find the thing? Why do I share all of this under the guise of reflective coaching? You know, our famous example is this when you think about reflection and what time does for you, if you ever had that argument with a friend, and you both say things you don't mean and you're upset with each other and all of a sudden you bump into each other and what do you do? You end up saying things like, hey, I'm really sorry about what I said last week. I shouldn't have said that the other person goes. Oh yeah, I owe you an apology too. I'm really sorry.
Speaker 1:What was the difference? They hadn't talked up to that point. What was the difference? They hadn't talked up to that point? It's time, and so most of us don't take time. So when you're in a coaching session and, by the way, we do in-person coaching, we do virtual coaching. I am a big fan of that type of coaching. This is just a different way to also supplement that coaching, and the idea behind it is is that it gives people time to think how to answer. See, when you're in front of a coach or you're in front of your boss who's coaching you, you have to come up with the answers right away, because you're right there, or at least you feel you do. So think about using content, get some software, think about giving people time to reflect, and you'll notice a major difference in your people.