Coaching Conversations in 2024

Coaching is a Game ... The Playing Field & Players Have Changed! Have You?

Tim Hagen

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When we think about sports and we think about playing fields and players and leaders of teams couple things come to mind. If a coach were to go into a huddle during a game and look up at the scoreboard and say everybody we are down by 20 points but let's just keep doing the same thing what would the players think? Would they even wanna continue to play? Would they maybe even wanna switch teams? So think about the pandemic and how much our playing field has changed. We now have different playing fields of working from home or the office or both. Our customer playing fields have changed where we now interact virtually. The players on the field now want different things such as workplace flexibility. A leader cannot play a game and have curveballs and scores changing without reacting two such things. We have to navigate and adjust our coaching to provide employees what they need on the new playing field.

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